California Investment Network

Entrepreneur Registration

Important: Please note this registration page is only for people looking for funding. If you are an investor, please register here.

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  1. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy.

  2. I understand that the California Investment Network can in no way be held responsible for what takes place once contact with an investor has been established.

  3. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to do due diligence on any of the investors I deal with.

 I have read and agree to the terms of the disclaimers above.

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Registered Investors

United States > California

I am looking to invest in a company that will give me 30% return in investment over the course of 3 years. Looking for only serious entrepreneurs. Please contact with a business plan. Preferred in the Computer Technology Sales and or Support.

$100,000 to $2,500,000

United States > Massachusetts

I am a Chartered accountant from India with 10 years experience in senior management in large companies around the world and have run my own IT services business for the past 25 years . Has done well and the company and myself have excess funds want to invest and take part time active role to help manage growth .

$500,000 to $1,000,000

United States > California

We are a private equity firm that has been in operation since the early 1990s.

$10,000,000 to $40,000,000

United States > Massachusetts

We are a privately held funding group that specializes in providing many forms of debt and equity financing for projects. With a direct connection to some of the wealthiest private investors, we are able to structure deals that quickly get your business up and running quickly. We provide funding from 1 to 100 million in the United States and internationally. We partner with our clients to provide the necessary equity to succeed. We pride ourselves in knowing what our clients need and finding ways to make deals work for everyone. With over 30 years on experience in real estate investing, construction, development, business management and project financing our services are unmatched. We have the ability to quickly evaluate projects and present our clients with multiple funding options for a mutually beneficial investment. Because we are a private money source and not a conventional bank this gives greater flexibility to financially invest in project

$1,000,000 to $10,000,000

United States > Hawaii

Private investor interested in investing in start-ups or SMEs.

$0 to $200,000

United States > California

Intern at The Angels Forum and The Halo Fund.

$0 to $1,000,000

United States > Utah

-Manager of family business involved in ranching / oil and gas -Occupational background includes real estate development and brokerage, technology, banking. -Have invested as an individual and as part of a group

$500,000 to $2,500,000

United States > California

I am a private investor and very interested in investing my money in a very secure investment within the Entertainment Industry. I am a business owner myself who wishes this opportunity was around when I was looking for investors. My goal is to seek a good opportunity to invest in a company or product that has true potential and can meet other satisfactory goals that I have put in place for my children.

$10,000 to $1,000,000